Searching for employment in today's economy regardless if your unemployed or think you may become unemployed, adds tremendous stress to our daily lives. The impact on our personal life, future plans and family can be overwhelming. One way to reduce the stress and advance your employment search is through regular exercise with the good company of friends. For us living on the front range of the rocky mountains, we are blessed with an abundance of hiking trails, natural beauty and a growing number of high integrity, experienced business talent, searching for the next job opportunity.
On a recent hike just west of Boulder Colorado, Joe ran into a few people who have a lot in common with himself – unemployed and over 50.
Due to a reorganization, the three men had lost their jobs earlier this year with a well known IT Learning Services company. Joe learned that they meet every-other week to go for a mountain hike, update each other on their employment search and share any intelligence learned since the last hike. They support each other with encouragement to make it over that next mountain pass and shake off that “No response from the black hole” that apparently consumed their submitted resumes or the “Sorry but(t) ..... note" that on rare occasion one would receive. They share tips and reminders to deadlines and paperwork for the state unemployment office. Also, how to further “baton down the hatches” as they and their families survive without an income.
On that day, the three of them had an interesting encounter with elk and apparently a mountain lion. They told Joe about the encounter .....
"About 5 minutes down the trail we came across the front leg of an elk, that had been chewed off above the elbow. The area was posted with Mountain lions warning signs, which is not unusual for most front range trails. So for a few minutes we forgot about the job search and related issues as we pressed onward. About 20 minutes further up the trail we saw an amazing view. Hundreds of elk, grazing on the mountain side, about 300 yards distance. The elk paid little attention to us and continued munching the fresh spring mountain grass. But we could sense they were intensely watchful for the stealthily mountain lion - never seen, but presence felt".
So the trio blew off some steam, picked up a couple of pointers, burned a few calories and saw some things they could never experience had they been working in the office. Joe was amazed at the positive energy, physical and mental agility the three men exhibited at the conclusion of a health hike.
A great lesson learned, to pass along.
Don't forget to view Joe's video's at the bottom of the blog - "Video of the Week"
Job Interviewing Tips - Before the Interview
Job Interviewing Tips - During the Interview
Job Interviewing Tips - After the Interview (To be released later this week)
If you find these tips helpful please pass this forward to someone you know. Also, if you have additional tips you would like to share, please leave a comment below.
Note: Joe suggest you let the video run start to finish the first time and then replay and use the pause button to spend more time on the slides of interest.
Important Information
Monday, May 4, 2009
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Great advise Joe - Glad to see you have a healthy attitude, best of luck.
Umm... that's the rear leg of the elk.
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